Equalities and diversity
The impact of COVID-19 and the current cost-of-living crisis have brought into sharp focus inequalities within our society including health inequalities. The impacts are felt along various lines, from ethnicity to poverty and housing. Minority groups and people with disabilities face multiple barriers in access to essential services and support.
In addition to tackling poverty and improving social mobility, the Council and our public sector partners have a legal duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation (Equality Act 2010).
There are opportunities not to be missed to ‘build back better’ and redesign community space and services with equality, diversity, safety and inclusion central to our thinking, along with economic recovery and environmental protection.
Race equality at Devon County Council
We asked for an honest assessment of how it feels for Black and Asian colleagues to work for Devon County Council (DCC), to be challenged on our assumptions and be advised on actions we can take to ensure DCC becomes a place where Black, Asian and other ethnically diverse people feel safe, included and welcomed. DCC is committed to responding to the report at pace and aspires to become a beacon for equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. This leadership role would play a pivotal part in creating a safe and inclusive environment free from discrimination and inequality.
View the report here
Ensuring Devon is inclusive as it is and safe for all
We’re looking for someone who can listen to the voices and stories of our communities and citizens; someone who will advocate for diversity and actively seek to eliminate inequality both within the county and our council.